I have pictures, I have proof… I’m surrounded by the mentally ill

This is a photo I snapped at a previous job from the 14th-floor breakroom in one of the highrise buildings in downtown Dallas. Being a psychologist myself, I take the subject of mental health very seriously. That said, just take a close look at the pic:

Alright, let’s step through the implications of this observation logically:


I’m going to estimate that about 8 tags are gone from the flyer.

Assume individuals taking tags were unique — nobody took more than one.

Assume 100% of tags were taken by people enduring schizophrenia or bipolar disorder

Assume that about 25% of those suffering from schizophrenia or bipolar disorder would consider participating in the study, seriously enough to take a tag.

Assume that about 10% of the building has been to this one breakroom since the study flyer has been posted, AND read the flyer.

OK, so 8 / .25 = 32.

32 / .10 = 320.

Three-hundred twenty people suffering from schizophrenia or bipolar disorder in this building. OK, seems a bit high. So let’s apply more conservative assumptions:

–7 tags taken

–5 were unique

–60% taken by people with schizophrenia/bipolar

–50% of those with schizophrenia/bipolar might participate

–15% of the building has read the flyer

5 * .60 = 3

3 / .50 = 6

6 / .15 = 40.

The prevalence rate of schizophrenia (1.1%) and bipolar disorder (1.2%) in the general population are relatively low. Based on observations of parking garage capacity and activity, I estimate there are at least 750 people in the building. Even by this conservative estimate, forty schizophrenic / bipolar patients out of 750 total workers works out to about 5.3%, over twice the prevalence in the general population. I label this as strong support for my hypothesis that corporate America can be a terribly confusing and depressing place to work.

Also, although I have secretly suspected it for some time, I now have empirical evidence that I’m surrounded by the mentally ill at work.

Hope this gives everyone a good laugh today… enjoy!

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